From the below description from Apple's documentation
Although SiriKit often passes only one parameter at a time to your configureView(for:of:interactiveBehavior:context:completion:) method, you can configure a view that displays content for any number of parameters. When calling the completion handler of your configuration method, provide SiriKit with the set of parameters that your interface displays. Before creating a new view controller with the next set of parameters, SiriKit checks to see if you already displayed those parameters. If you did, SiriKit does not ask you to display them again.
I was expecting a call to the configureView
method on following situations
So I have created a custom intent (of category Order) which accepts 3 parameters. And a custom UI has to be shown to the user during every input parameter.
But call to the configureView
method happens only once after the user providing all the input parameters. So always the default UI from Siri has been displayed. Also the INParameter list is empty.
Is it possible to show custom UI for every input parameter ? Or is this limited only to the system intents ?
I am testing with iOS 13.
So the answer is No.
I have received following answer from apple forum.
You can only customize the view for the confirm and handle phases of handling an intent -- you can't customize the UI during the resolution of a value for a parameter. This is true of both system and custom intents.