I'm trying to use a custom function, which filters a dataframe and pulls information from another column, within dplyr::mutate
with dplyr version 0.8.3
. I'm getting two types of errors. One with a large dataframe yields Error: Result must have length 32, not 1728
as an error and the other, used in the following example code, does not return an error message but returns a wrong match.
Lookup Dataframe
lookup.df<-data.frame(to.match=paste(letters[1:7],letters[8:14],sep = ""),
to.match match
1 ah one
2 bi two
3 cj three
4 dk four
5 el five
6 fm six
7 gn seven
Lookup Fucntion
y<-lookup.df %>%
mutate_all(as.character) %>%
filter(to.match==x) %>%
Terminal Run
Running the function from the terminal does return the expected results.
> lookup_function("dk")
[1] "four"
> lookup_function("el")
[1] "five"
dplyr::mutate Run
Running the same function to a diffrent dataframe within dplyr::mutate does not return the expected results.
live.df<-data.frame(to.match=rev(paste(letters[1:7],letters[8:14],sep = "")))
live.df %>%
to.match live.match
1 gn four
2 fm four
3 el four
4 dk four
5 cj four
6 bi four
7 ah four
The code should, in this example at least, should return the match column of the lookup.df but reversed but it instead returns four
in every row.
Vector through Sapply
The function does seem to return the appropriate results when piped through sapply
c("dk","el") %>% sapply(lookup_function)
dk el
"four" "five"
I'm barely familiarized with Vectorization of cutom functions for this type of use so I'm unsure if that is the source of this error.
What would be the propper way to fix this custom function so that it returns the correct information from the lookup dataframe?
Regarding the use of OP's function with Vectorize
, the function would be either updated as lookup_function <- Vectorize(lookup_function)
and then apply the code as in OP's post or do this on the fly
live.df %>%
# to.match live.match
#1 gn seven
#2 fm six
#3 el five
#4 dk four
#5 cj three
#6 bi two
#7 ah one
But, it would be inefficient as it does filter for each match (filter(to.match==x)
), which is inefficient
We can use a left_join
live.df %>%
Or use match
live.df %>%
mutate(match = lookup.df$match[match(to.match, lookup.df$to.match)])
which can be also used in base R
live.df$match <- with(live.df, lookup.df$match[match(to.match, lookup.df$to.match)])