I am new to using TPL. I've been able to implement a simple post / receive transaction on a BufferBlock but when I try to go asynchronous, I get hung.
Here is a simplified version of what I am trying.
Declare the message buffer (made it global)
Dim msgBuffer As New BufferBlock(Of String)
A simple function to post the messages which is just a list of file names in a directory
Private Sub PostMessagesToBuffer()
filesList = Directory.GetFiles(txtBoxSrcFilesDir.Text, fileFilter).ToList
For Each file In filesList
End Sub
I created this function for processing the messages:
Private Async Function ProcessMessagesAsync() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim msgsProcessed = 0
While Await msgBuffer.OutputAvailableAsync
Dim msg = msgBuffer.Receive
msgsProcessed += 1
End While
Return msgsProcessed
End Function
Then just this set of calls to run it all.
Dim msgProcessor = ProcessMessagesAsync()
Console.writeLine("Processed " & msgProcessor.Result & " Messages.")
I can debug and see the messages getting added to the buffer but the "While Await" never gets the signal that a message is available on the queue. It just sits there, never getting into the loop to do the work on the message. Am I missing something rather simple here?
You are mixing synchronous and asynchronous code. Deadlocks are pretty common when blocking on async code. Instead of Wait
...it is safer to Await
Await msgProcessor
Also the DataflowBlock.Receive
is a blocking method. The proper method to use after awaiting the DataflowBlock.OutputAvailableAsync
is the method DataflowBlock.TryReceive
I should also note that retrieving manually the elements of a DataflowBlock
is feasible but uncommon. Usually the last block in a dataflow pipeline is an ActionBlock
, that doesn't generate output.