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Import Get-ADReplicationStie into an Array

I've looked and I've been banging my head against the wall. I'm sure it's probably something simple that I'm missing. I am trying to import a list of AD Sites into the Array that populates ComboBox1 but I can't get it to work.

I've written this code to create a form that has 2 Combo Boxes. The First combo box needs to be populated based on the Array created by the Get-ADReplicationSite value. In my Lab I have 5 test sites. If I have the sites Hardcoded, it works fins however if I try to create the array from the Get-AD, I am not able to get the array to show up properly in ComboBox 1.

#####   This is the section that I use to Create the Arrays

## This piece of code works
# If you want to have the sites Hardcoded, use this line

## I can't get this to work
# $ADSites= Get-ADReplicationSite -Filter * | select Description

# Below is a list of Variables that are hard coded. I'm going to convert this to an import of a CSV file

I can create the form and the combo boxes. Right now I am struggling with getting the AD information into an Array and using the Array to populate the First Combo Box which will read the above hard coded variables

    #####   Now we do stuff
    #### The form keeps asking me to add details so I'm adding details

    # Populate Combobox 2 When Combobox 1 changes
        $combobox2.Items.Clear() # Clear the list
        $combobox2.Text = $null  # Clear the current entry
    # Refresh ComboBox 1 changes    
        Switch ($ComboBox1.Text) {

                $ADSiteS01 | ForEach { 
    # Refresh ComboBox 1 changes    
                $ADSiteS02 | ForEach {
    # Refresh ComboBox 1 changes    
                $ADSiteS03 | ForEach {

        $labelClub.Text = $combobox1.Text + "-" + $combobox2.Text + "-" + $textBoxFPS.Text

        $labelClub.Text = $combobox1.Text + "-" + $combobox2.Text + "-" + $textBoxFPS.Text

        $labelClub.Text = $combobox1.Text + "-" + $combobox2.Text + "-" + $textBoxFPS.Text

This is where I create the Combo Boxes. I would put the whole script in however, the site won't let me and keeps asking for more explanation, even though the script is thoroughly documented


  • From your description, this could fix your problem:

    $ADSites = (Get-ADReplicationSite -filter *).Description

    The difference is that this gives a list of strings (perfect for a combobox), as opposed to returning an object.