I have a document with the structure { doc.data.role.level }, I want to access to level property, but using this query
SELECT r.data.role.level FROM `hostel` r where r.id = '12345678Z'
I got the error
"msg": "syntax error - at role",
but with those query I got no results
SELECT r.data.`role`.level FROM `hostel` r where r.id = '12345678Z'
SELECT `r.data.role.level` FROM `hostel` r where r.id = '12345678Z'
If there are special characters in fields/identifiers or reserve keywords you must escape them with back-ticks(i.e. escaped identifiers) as described https://docs.couchbase.com/server/current/n1ql/n1ql-language-reference/identifiers.html
Example 1: "role" is reserve keyword
SELECT r.data.`role`.level
FROM hostel AS r
WHERE r.id = "12345678Z";
Example 2: Field has special character dot. You must escape whole field name (to interpret as field vs nested document).
SELECT r.`data.role.level`
FROM hostel AS r
WHERE r.id = "12345678Z";
Example 3: hostels is array. If you are looking inside array you must use ANY syntax.
"hostels": [ { "id":"12345678Z"},
{ "id":"34545678Z"}}
SELECT r.data.`role`.level
FROM hostel AS r
WHERE ANY h IN r.hostels SATISFIES h.id = "12345678Z" END;