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Is there a way to dispatch an action once?


I've been working on a project where I'm getting data from an API. In order to fetch these data, I store what I need in the store. For example, in the store, I'm storing the currently selected period, the currently bbox of a map and the data the is being fetched from the API. What I need to achieve is to update the data in the store every time there is a change in the selected period or the current bounding box of the map.

For this, I've created an Action, a Reducer and an Effect for Periods, BBox and Stats. The logic that I'm following is below and I'm using it for BBox and Stats too.


export interface IPeriodState {
  periods: Period[];
  isLoading: boolean;
  error: Error;

In reducers, I just mutate the state and nothing more. My actions are in the same logic at this one:

import { Action } from "@ngrx/store";
import { Period } from "../../models/Period";

export enum PeriodActionTypes {
  ADD_PERIOD = "[Period] Add Period",
  ADD_PERIOD_SUCCESS = "[Period] Add Period Success",
  ADD_PERIOD_FAILURE = "[Period] Add Period Failure",

  REMOVE_PERIOD = "[Period] Remove Period",
  REMOVE_PERIOD_SUCCESS = "[Period] Remove Period Success",
  REMOVE_PERIOD_FAILURE = "[Period] Remove Period Failure",

  UPDATE_PERIOD = "[Period] Update Period",
  UPDATE_PERIOD_SUCCESS = "[Period] Update Period Success",
  UPDATE_PERIOD_FAILURE = "[Period] Update Period Failure"

// Add Period
export class AddPeriodAction implements Action {
  readonly type = PeriodActionTypes.ADD_PERIOD;
  constructor(public payload: Period) {}

export class AddPeriodSuccessAction implements Action {
  readonly type = PeriodActionTypes.ADD_PERIOD_SUCCESS;
  constructor(public payload: Period) {}

export class AddPeriodFailureAction implements Action {
  readonly type = PeriodActionTypes.ADD_PERIOD_FAILURE;
  constructor(public error: Error) {}

// Remove Period
export class RemovePeriodAction implements Action {
  readonly type = PeriodActionTypes.REMOVE_PERIOD;
  constructor(public id: string) {}

export class RemovePeriodSuccessAction implements Action {
  readonly type = PeriodActionTypes.REMOVE_PERIOD_SUCCESS;
  constructor(public id: string) {}

export class RemovePeriodFailureAction implements Action {
  readonly type = PeriodActionTypes.REMOVE_PERIOD_FAILURE;
  constructor(public error: Error) {}

// Update Period
export class UpdatePeriodAction implements Action {
  readonly type = PeriodActionTypes.UPDATE_PERIOD;
  constructor(public id: string, public payload: Period) {}

export class UpdatePeriodSuccessAction implements Action {
  readonly type = PeriodActionTypes.UPDATE_PERIOD_SUCCESS;
  constructor(public id: string, public payload: Period) {}

export class UpdatePeriodFailureAction implements Action {
  readonly type = PeriodActionTypes.UPDATE_PERIOD_FAILURE;
  constructor(public error: Error) {}

export type PeriodActions =
  | AddPeriodAction
  | AddPeriodSuccessAction
  | AddPeriodFailureAction
  | RemovePeriodAction
  | RemovePeriodSuccessAction
  | RemovePeriodFailureAction
  | UpdatePeriodAction
  | UpdatePeriodSuccessAction
  | UpdatePeriodFailureAction;

In effects now, I'm dispatching multiple actions. For example:

//imports omitted

export class PeriodEffect {
  constructor(private actions: Actions) {}

  @Effect() addPeriod$ = this.actions.pipe(
    mergeMap((action: AddPeriodAction) => [
      new AddPeriodSuccessAction(action.payload),
      new LoadStatsAction()
    catchError(error => of(new AddPeriodFailureAction(error)))

  @Effect() removePeriod$ = this.actions.pipe(
    mergeMap((action: RemovePeriodAction) => [
      new RemovePeriodSuccessAction(,
      new LoadStatsAction()
    catchError(error => of(new RemovePeriodFailureAction(error)))

  @Effect() updatePeriod$ = this.actions.pipe(
    mergeMap((action: UpdatePeriodAction) => [
      new UpdatePeriodSuccessAction(, action.payload),
      new LoadStatsAction()
    catchError(error => of(new UpdatePeriodFailureAction(error)))


My problem is that I got the LoadStatsAction dispatched multiple times because I need to get the new data in the store, every time that there is a change in the website. Let's take a look at my period-selector component. Once there is a change in the period, I manage this change with the below code:

constructor(private moment: MomentPipe, private store: Store<AppState>) {
  this.currentPeriod = new Period(
    new Date(2017, 9, 1),
    new Date(2018, 9, 1)
  ); AddPeriodAction(this.currentPeriod));

ngOnInit() {}

ngOnDestroy() { RemovePeriodAction(;

updateCurrentPeriod(period: IPeriod) {
    this.currentPeriod._minDate = period.minDate;
    this.currentPeriod._maxDate = period.maxDate;
      new UpdatePeriodAction(, this.currentPeriod)


Is there a way to get rid of the multiple dispatched actions?


You can find the full code of the project here and a demo of the project here


  • I would recommend of extracting the logic of when to dispatch a LoadStatsAction action to avoid repetitive code, it should look like this:

      @Effect() addPeriod$ = this.actions.pipe(
        map((action: AddPeriodAction) => new AddPeriodSuccessAction(action.payload)),
        catchError(error => of(new AddPeriodFailureAction(error)))
      @Effect() removePeriod$ = this.actions.pipe(
        map((action: RemovePeriodAction) => new RemovePeriodSuccessAction(,
        catchError(error => of(new RemovePeriodFailureAction(error)))
      @Effect() updatePeriod$ = this.actions.pipe(
        map((action: UpdatePeriodAction) => new UpdatePeriodSuccessAction(, action.payload)),
        catchError(error => of(new UpdatePeriodFailureAction(error)))
      @Effect() loadStats$ = this.actions.pipe(
          mapTo(new LoadStatsAction())

    Now you can focus on reducing the times LoadStatsAction is dispatched, use debounceTime(x) or throttleTime(x) (a distinction between these operators can be found here)