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Display Yens in QuickReport

When I print a Currency field, I get '\0' instead of then Yen-sign (my regional settings are set to Japanese Format)

How can I display Yens in a Report in Delphi 6? (I can not use another version of Quick Reports)

Any idea is welcomed!


  • You fixed the problem by doing

    Font.Charset:= SHIFTJIS_CHARSET;

    An alternative option is:

    You can use the OnPrint event of the number you're printing and prefix the ¥ symbol.

    Like so:

    procedure TForm1.QRDBAnAmountPrint(sender: TObject; var Value: string);
      //If the number doesn't have a currency symbol.
      Value:= '¥ '+Value;
      //If the number does have a currency symbol
      Value:= StringReplace(Value, "textforwrongsymbol", "¥");