I have created the credential for my email id and password but when I use them in a robot and the value of those credentials is visible in variables panel, is there any way through which I can hide my credentials even in variables panel? In this program, I am trying to login in Gmail, it works perfectly but doesn't want any of my credentials value in variables panel.
selenium.open chrome url google.com
delay 2
window ✱Google✱
selenium.click search gb_70 by id
selenium.click search //*[@id="identifierId"] by xpath
♥login = ♥credential⟦gmail:login⟧
♥password = ♥credential⟦gmail:password⟧
keyboard ♥login
keyboard ⋘enter⋙
delay 2
selenium.click search //*[@id="password"]/div[1]/div/div[1]/input by xpath
keyboard ♥password
keyboard ⋘enter⋙
When you assign a credential variable value into another variable, the value will be visible in the Variables panel. If you want to prevent that, simply don't create another variables containing credential values.
selenium.open chrome url google.com
delay 2
window ✱Google✱
selenium.click search gb_70 by id
selenium.click search //*[@id="identifierId"] by xpath
keyboard ♥credential⟦gmail:login⟧
keyboard ⋘enter⋙
delay 2
selenium.click search //*[@id="password"]/div[1]/div/div[1]/input by xpath
keyboard ♥credential⟦gmail:password⟧
keyboard ⋘enter⋙