I wonder if there is a way to remove half the lines of a file using wc
and sed
I can do this:
sed -i '50,$d' myfile.txt
Which removes lines from 50 to the end of file. I can also do this:
wc -l myfile.txt
Which returns the number of lines in the file.
But what I really want to do is something like this:
wc -l myfile.txt | sed -i '{wc -l result}/2,$d' myfile.txt
to remove the lines starting from the wc -l
result divided by 2? I guess you were close. Just use a command substitution with arithmetic expansion to get the value of the starting line:
startline="$(( $(wc -l <myfile.txt) / 2 ))"
sed -i "$startline"',$d' myfile.txt
Or a oneliner:
sed -i "$(( $(wc -l <myfile.txt) / 2 ))"',$d' myfile.txt