I have the following code that reads a bunch of emails from a folder. It gets the emails fine, as I can see the number of emails are correct and the header is correct as well. However it returns nothing for the body. I do have a email with simple text as well but that too does not return anything. Part of the code is below. any help is appreciated. the account I am reading is from a office 365 and i used the imap.Connect (*i can read these emails from the Microsoft Outlook, so i think the issue is with my chilkat code)
Chilkat.MessageSet messageSet = imap.Search(@"ALL", fetchUids);
if (imap.LastMethodSuccess == false)
txtOutput.Text = txtOutput.Text + Environment.NewLine + imap.LastErrorText;
// Fetch the email headers into a bundle object:
Chilkat.EmailBundle bundle = imap.FetchHeaders(messageSet);
if (imap.LastMethodSuccess == false)
txtOutput.Text = txtOutput.Text + Environment.NewLine + imap.LastErrorText;
// Sort the email bundle by date, recipient, sender, or subject:
bool ascending = true ; bool descending = true;
// To sort by recipient, sender, or subject, call
// SortBySender, SortByRecipient, or SortBySubject.
// Display the Subject and From of each email.
int i = 0;
string body="";
while (i < bundle.MessageCount)
Chilkat.Email email = null;
email = bundle.GetEmail(i);
txtOutput.Text = txtOutput.Text + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + email.GetHeaderField("Date");
txtOutput.Text = txtOutput.Text + Environment.NewLine + email.From;
if (email.HasHtmlBody())
body = email.GetHtmlBody() + String.Empty;
else if (email.HasPlainTextBody())
body = email.GetPlainTextBody() + String.Empty;
body = email.Body + String.Empty;
txtOutput.Text = txtOutput.Text + Environment.NewLine + body.Trim() ;
i = i + 1;
You downloaded headers-only:
Chilkat.EmailBundle bundle = imap.FetchHeaders(messageSet);
Of course there is no body...