i am trying to calculate between two dates using \DateTime::createFromFormat
but i am not able to find the difference between two same dates . like for one day it should show one days. below is my code.
$fromDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('M j, Y', $request->get('fromDateVal'));
$toDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('M j, Y', $request->get('toDateVal'));
$diffdays = $toDate->diff($fromDate) ;
any help will be helpful.
i am getting this
DateInterval {#7658
interval: 0s
+"y": 0
+"m": 0
+"d": 0
+"h": 0
+"i": 0
+"s": 0
+"f": 0.0
+"weekday": 0
+"weekday_behavior": 0
+"first_last_day_of": 0
+"invert": 0
+"days": 0
+"special_type": 0
+"special_amount": 0
+"have_weekday_relative": 0
+"have_special_relative": 0
The DateTime::diff() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the difference between two given DateTime objects.
// Initialising the two datetime objects
$datetime1 = new DateTime('2019-9-10');
$datetime2 = new DateTime('2019-9-15');
// Calling the diff() function on above
$difference = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
// Getting the difference between two
echo $difference->format('%R%a days');