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How to deploy a smartcontract in EOS on testnet using SET after creating abi and wsm files?

aditib@WJLP-1098:~/contracts$ cleos -u set contract adtester1234 hello/ -p adtester1234@active

Failed to get existing code hash, continue without duplicate check...
Reading WASM from /home/aditib/contracts/hello/hello.wasm...
Publishing contract...
Error 3090003: Provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations
Ensure that you have the related private keys inside your wallet and your wallet is unlocked.
Error Details:
transaction declares authority '{"actor":"adtester1234","permission":"active"}', but does not have signatures for it.

I made an account on jungle testnet by the name adtester1234.It is showing on the explorer,I checked.

Also, the wallet is unlocked and do contain requires public and private keys for the account.

aditib@WJLP-1098:~/contracts$ cleos wallet private_keys -n jungle-wallet-2 --password PW5K1SUrrGcraekXgBQN3137qfkqSyFrVVRdkxWgzpaZnJLMYPg4n

I tried adding sign transaction:

aditib@WJLP-1098:~/contracts$ cleos -u set contract adtester1234 hello/ -p adtester1234@active -s

Failed to get existing code hash, continue without duplicate check...
Reading WASM from /home/aditib/contracts/hello/hello.wasm...
Publishing contract...
Failed to connect to nodeos at; is nodeos running?

Should nodeos be running if I'm connecting to a testnet endpoint?

I'm using UBUNTU 18.04 LTS on Windows. I refered to similar questions on stackoverflow but it didn't work for me. I hope someone can guide me.

Why is this error occuring? How to solve it? Why I'm I unable to fetch the codehash? Thanks in advance!


  • The endpoint I have used is not working.

    Here is a list of working endpoints which I tried and are working: