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Does resetting std::shared_ptr lead to resetting its deleter?

maybe I misunderstood some aspects of smart pointers in c++, but after executing this code:

class cls
    class deleter
        const cls& obj;
        deleter(const cls& c) : obj(c) {}
        void operator()(int* num)
            std::cout << "deleter was called" << std::endl;
            if (num)
                std::cout << "num in deleter: " << *num << std::endl;
                if (*num == *obj.int_ptr)
                    std::cout << "equal " << *num << " = " << *obj.int_ptr << std::endl;
                    delete num;
                    std::cout << "not equal" << std::endl;

std::shared_ptr<int> int_ptr;
cls() : int_ptr(nullptr,deleter(*this)) {}

int main()
    cls obj;
    obj.int_ptr.reset(new int{15});
    return 0;   


deleter was called


I noticed that reset() from shared_ptr removes custom deleter, that was passed to it in its constructor. On the contrary unique_ptr doesn't show such behavior, which seemed strange to me.

So what is going on here?


  • When we assign the nullptr or call reset on std::shared_ptr, it will clear the pointer and getdeleter after cleaning memory. The way it is done for unique_ptr is different.

    Below is the function from library which decrement the count of shared_ptr and if reference_count is zero then proceed with destruction:

    void _Decref() noexcept { // decrement use count
        if (_MT_DECR(_Uses) == 0) {

    So, once you reset and reference _count is zero then the shared_ptr the custom deleter will be removed due to reset.