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Mysql how to get parent and all child for given ID?

I have two table (category, product) as below:

Category Table:

cid name parent
1  items Null
2    A    1
3    aa   2
4    ab   2
5    ac   2
6    B    1
7    ba   5
8    bb   5
9    bc   5
10   C    1
11   ca   9
12   cb   9
13   cc   9

Product Table:

pid  cid  pname
1     2   p1
2     3   p2
3     4   p3
4     4   p4
5     5   p5
6     5   p6

Here I want to get all parent and child products for a particular parent. Here I have cid = 2, then I need all the products to cid=2 and its child.

Here I tried it something like this, but not sure how to join product table with this query:

select  cid,
from    (select * from categories
         order by parent, cid) categories,
        (select @pv := '2') initialisation
where   find_in_set(parent, @pv) > 0
and     @pv := concat(@pv, ',', cid)


enter image description here

Can anybody help me out? Thank you.


  • First it should be noted that your query won't give you the root category, only its children. So you need to add a UNION to it to include the root category. Secondly you don't need a subquery for the recursive part, you can do the ordering in the query directly. You can then use that query as a derived table and JOIN it to the products table:

    SELECT *
    FROM (
          SELECT 2 AS cid
          UNION ALL
          (SELECT  cid
           FROM categories
           CROSS JOIN (SELECT @pv := '2') initialisation
           WHERE   find_in_set(parent, @pv) > 0
             AND   @pv := concat(@pv, ',', cid)
           ORDER BY parent, cid)
          ) c
    JOIN products p ON p.cid = c.cid

    Output (for your sample data)

    cid     pid     cid     pname
    2       1       2       p1
    3       2       3       p2
    4       3       4       p3
    4       4       4       p4
    5       5       5       p5
    5       6       5       p6

    You might want just a list of product names, in which case you can replace * in the outer query with e.g. GROUP_CONCAT(p.pname) AS products and get the result:


    Demo on dbfiddle

    To also get the category name, you must SELECT that in the inner query:

    SELECT *
    FROM (
          SELECT cid, name
          FROM categories
          WHERE cid = 2
          UNION ALL
          (SELECT  cid, name
           FROM categories
           CROSS JOIN (SELECT @pv := '2') initialisation
           WHERE   find_in_set(parent, @pv) > 0
             AND   @pv := concat(@pv, ',', cid)
           ORDER BY parent, cid)
          ) c
    JOIN products p ON p.cid = c.cid


    cid     name    pid     cid     pname
    2       A       1       2       p1
    3       aa      2       3       p2
    4       ab      3       4       p3
    4       ab      4       4       p4
    5       ac      5       5       p5
    5       ac      6       5       p6

    Demo on dbfiddle