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Vuetify 2.1 V-Select reset or clear selection after change

i have to fix a vuetify custom component that extends from Vue Class and includes a V-Select component. The dropdown is working fine but since its just a trigger pad to pop open modals the requirement is to reset/clear the dropdown selection after onchange event. basically i think i need to trigger the clearableCallback but i am not sure how to do it. First of all i have the problem that when i bind a method from the parent component the scope is always the parent so this refers to the extend parent component class. so i wonder how to get into the scope of the v-select component. i can not see apart from the clearable prop there is no native functionality for what i am trying to do. any hints? thanks


  • I am not sure I fully understand your question, but if I do, you may try using @change event on the v-select and use a method in which you open modals and reset the value of the v-select model to any desired one.

    methods: {
   = 0;