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How can I concat two elements of splitted fields from mongodb collections?

I have github repos URLs in a mongodb collection. (comments)

url: "" 

I want to split this field according to slash (/) delimiter. After this process, I have array likes below.

https:, ,, repos, andymckay, solitude, .comments, 1573261

Than I want to concat 4. and 5. elements of array with slash operator; Finally I want to obtain a field like this;

full_name :"andymckay/solitude"

I am newby about mongodb, I solve this with this query;

             url2:{$arrayElemAt:[{$split:["$url", "/"]}, 4]},
             url3:{$arrayElemAt:[{$split:["$url", "/"]}, 5]}
       { $addFields: { full_name: { $concat: [ "$url2", "/", "$url3" ] } } },      

Results of this query, It creates the collection below;

    "_id" : ObjectId("5266780cbd35436070000001"), 
    "url2" : "andymckay", 
    "url3" : "solitude", 
    "full_name" : "andymckay/solitude"

Is there any method easier than mine?


  • db.getCollection("commentsURL").aggregate([
                 url2:{$arrayElemAt:[{$split:["$url", "/"]}, 4]},
                 url3:{$arrayElemAt:[{$split:["$url", "/"]}, 5]}
           { $addFields: { full_name: { $concat: [ "$url2", "/", "$url3" ] } } },      

    After that a projection query, I can get full_name of repos;
