I'm making a scalable tic-tac-toe program using Tkinter. When I press an empty square button, the image changes, as it should. When I press a different button, the image from the button first pressed disappears completely, when I'd expect it to stay, and the only button with the X/O image is the latest button pressed. Any help in fixing this? I'm a beginner.
If you have any tips on how to make a scalable win check as well (with scalable I mean the user can input board size, from 2x2 to as large as fits the screen), that would be extremely helpful.
Here are the images I used, if they're useful (link works for 24h, they're just basic 125x125 images for a box, X and O) https://picresize.com/b5deea04656747
from tkinter import *
class XOGame:
def main_game(self):
self.__game_window = Tk()
self.__grid_size = 3 # User inputted in a different part of the code
self.__game_window.title("Tic Tac Toe (" + str(self.__grid_size) + "x"
+ str(self.__grid_size) + ")")
def build_board(self, window):
self.__size = self.__grid_size ** 2
self.__empty_square = PhotoImage(master=window,
self.__squares = [None] * self.__size
# Building the buttons and gridding them
for i in range(self.__size):
self.__squares[i] = (Button(window, image=self.__empty_square))
row = 0
column = 0
number = 1
for j in self.__squares:
j.grid(row=row, column=column)
j.config(command=lambda index=self.__squares.index(j):
column += 1
if number % 3 == 0:
row += 1
column = 0
number += 1
# This is the part where the picture changing happens.
# I have yet to implement the turn system, thus self.__x being the only image being configured.
# This is the part with the issue.
def change_mark(self, i):
self.__x = PhotoImage(master=self.__game_window,
self.__o = PhotoImage(master=self.__game_window,
self.__squares[i].configure(image=self.__x, state=DISABLED)
def start(self):
# Function starts the first window of the game.
def main():
ui = XOGame()
Question: the image from the button first pressed disappears completely
You overwrite self.__x = PhotoImage(...
at every click, which results in garbage collection of the previous image and tkinter
looses the image reference.
Create the images only once and reuse it like self.empty_square
Simplify to the following:
def build_board(self, window):
self.empty_square = PhotoImage(master=window, file="empty.gif")
self.x_square = PhotoImage(master=window, file="cross.gif")
self.squares = []
for row in range(3):
for column in range(3):
self.squares.append(Button(window, image=self.empty_square))
self.squares[-1].grid(row=row, column=column)
self.squares[-1].bind("<Button-1>", self.change_mark)
def change_mark(self, event):
w = event.widget
w.configure(image=self.x_square, state=DISABLED)