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Can nodejs stdout be written to such that the receiving nodejs stdin `on-data` returns individual segments?

I have a nodejs script generating a set of objects in a more secure environment and then piping the result to the long-running application, I was hoping this could also provide a way to pass iterable objects by having the stringification/parsing be done by the js and leave the structure transparent on my first script.

Right now I've been trying to create a readable stream from my iterable, or directly write each section with process.stdout.write() but in both instances, receiving it with process.stdin.on('data', (chunk) => do something with chunk always results in the all the strings combined.

let env = {
   variableString: "somekey",
   someIterable: {
      someOtherValue: ['more values']

let streamArr = [];
for (let x in env) {
    let y = env[x].replace(/ {4}/g ,'')
// const readable = new Stream.Readable()
// readable.pipe(process.stdout)
streamArr.forEach(item => process.stdout.write(item))
// Receiving script
process.stdin.on('data', (chunk) => {
    let i = JSON.parse(chunk);
    for (let x in i) {
        if(typeof i[x] == 'string') process.env[x] = i[x];

process.stdin.on('end', () => {


  • Ended sort of sidestepping this issue, since my data was small enough I just wrote the whole object to STDOUT using


    And then using the fs module to receive STDIN since it's the only way I found to synchronously consume the STDIN to initialize environment variables before anything else runs.

    const fs = require('fs')
    const env = (function () {
        let envTmp = fs.readFileSync(0).toString();
        envTmp = JSON.parse(envTmp);
        return envTmp;