I'm trying to parallelize the Heinritz-Hsiao algorithm for finding good solutions to travelling salesman problem. During each step of the algorithm the salesman is on some city i
with i=0,1,...,N
and he visits the city j
closest to i
. My approach so far is as follows:
I have a 2d array distances[N][N]
which is a lookup table for finding the distance between 2 cities. In a second 2d array i'm trying to sort the cities according to their distance from some reference city i
#define N 10
float distances[N][N];
int* optimalDestinations[N];
for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
optimalDestinations[i] = (int *) malloc(N * sizeof(int));
for(int j=0; j<N; j++){
optimalDestinations[i][j] = j;
int reference;
//define comparator function for usage in sort
int comparator(const void *p1, const void *p2){
float d1 = distances[reference][*(int *)p1];
float d2 = distances[reference][*(int *)p2];
return d1 - d2;
//sorting the row of the optimal destinations matrix concurrently
#pragma omp parallel for private(reference)
for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
reference = i;
qsort(&optimalDestinations[i][0], N, sizeof(int), comparator);
So in the row i
of optimalDestinations
the first element should be i
because the distance from a city to itself is 0, and then the rest of the cities in ascending order of their distance from city i
I tried a small example N=10
to confirm correctness, however they all appear to be in the same order:
wrong correct
---distances from city 0--- | ---distances from city 9---
9 -- 889.117981 | 9 -- 0.000000
2 -- 177.912125 | 2 -- 711.281982
5 -- 595.591553 | 5 -- 746.731689
3 -- 711.891724 | 3 -- 748.628479
1 -- 462.097321 | 1 -- 758.993103
6 -- 121.480255 | 6 -- 767.745117
8 -- 204.375336 | 8 -- 864.327087
0 -- 0.000000 | 0 -- 889.117981
7 -- 557.984436 | 7 -- 909.726929
4 -- 184.023422 | 4 -- 1000.247253
What am I missing here?
As stated by @jim-cownie, each thread is modifying concurrently the shared global reference
variable. In order to avoid data race, you must make it thread private.
You can achieve it with the threadprivate
int reference;
#pragma omp threadprivate(reference)