I am using Spring Boot and Spring session. Here is my simple config.
public class Config {}
Spring Boot by default creates a RedisConnectionFactory
and I put corresponding host
, port
information etc in application.yml
file(removed for brevity)
I also added security related information(removed it from here for brevity).
Now this is my controller.
public HomeController {
public String home(HttpSession session){
// I need redis's key's expiration time. or session id's expiration time.
// how can I get this? Should I use HttpSession?
return "hello";
How do I get session expiration time in my controller? or rather how can I get redis's key's expiration time?
You need to use HttpSession
You can add it as a parameter in your controller method as shown below(also shown in question).
public String home(HttpSession session){
// I need redis's key's expiration time. or session id's expiration time.
// how can I get this? Should I use HttpSession?
int ttl = session.getMaxInactiveInterval(); // this should give redis TTL
return "hello";
And you can use HttpSession's getMaxInactiveInterval method to get redis's TTL value as shown in the code above.