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How to inject instance depending on the final injection chain target?

I have classes: X1 <- Y <- Z <- Config (arrow means injection via constructor) and X2 <- Y <- Z <- Config. Z expects some configuration (Config class), but the instance depends on the final type: X1 and X2 (type itself or a key they have defned somehow). In this example there should be two different instances of each Y, Z and Config class.

How can I use different Config in Z depending on where it finally is used (X1 or X2)?

    class X1
        public X1(Y y)
            int c = y.Z.Config.C; // This config variable is connected with X1.

    class X2
        public X2(Y y)
            int c = y.Z.Config.C; // This config variable is different than the one for X1.

    class Y
        public Z Z { get; }

        public Y(Z z)
            Z = z;

    class Z
        public Config Config { get; }

        public Z(Config config)
            Config = config;

    class Config
        public int C { get; set; }

I could do sth like below, but it seems very fishy and smelly (a rough example):

    Bind<Config>().ToMethod(x =>
        // Return proper config object depending on the classes found in the injection chain...
        IRequest req = x.Request;
        while (req != null)
            if (req.Service.UnderlyingSystemType == typeof(X1))
                return configForX1;

            if (req.Service.UnderlyingSystemType == typeof(X2))
                return configForX2;

            req = req.ParentRequest;

        throw new Exception("Oh no.");

Or to make it less fishy should I do:

    class X1
        public X1([Named("X1")] Config config, Y y)

    class Y
        private readonly Z _z;

        public Y(Z z)
            _z = z;

        public void SetConfig(Config config)

    class Z
        private Config _config;

        public void SetConfig(Config config)
            _config = config;



Any other (better) ideas?


  • WhenInjectedInto is close, but as you noted, only looks at the current request. I created an extension method to address this exact use case:

        public static IBindingInNamedWithOrOnSyntax<T> WhenAnyAncestorIs<T>(this IBindingWhenSyntax<T> binding, params Type[] types)
            bool Matches(IRequest request)
                Type target = request.Target?.Member?.ReflectedType;
                return (target != null && types.Any(t => t == target))
                    || (request.ParentRequest != null && Matches(request.ParentRequest));
            return binding.When(Matches);

    and use like:


    you will need an additional binding for requests that do not use those Types.