I have 2 apps, one a very simple toy app that exists to call the other:
const val AUTHENTICATE_CODE = 42
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
fab.setOnClickListener {
Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("testapp://hello.world/")) //2nd app has intent filter to intercept this.
.also { intent -> startActivityForResult(intent, AUTHENTICATE_CODE) }
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
val textView = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.hello_text)
if (requestCode == AUTHENTICATE_CODE && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
requireNotNull(data) {
textView.text = "Error: Intent was null. Data lost."
val dataExtra = data.getStringExtra("com.example.app.DATA")
textView.text = "Error: Intent did not contain data."
Log.d("TestAppPlsIgnore", "Result Intent received")
textView.text = "Success! $dataExtra"
} else {
textView.text = "Something went wrong. Request = $requestCode; Result = $resultCode"
The other app is a little more involved:
private val mainViewModel by activityViewModels<MainActivityViewModel>()
Inside the MainActivityViewModel
is a LiveData<String>
that we'll call data
. The MainActivity of app 2 has an observer watching data similar to this:
val dataObserver = Observer<String> { data ->
val result = Intent()
result.putExtra("com.example.app.DATA", data)
Log.d("MainActivity.DataObserver", "Sending data $data")
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, result)
mainViewModel.data.observe(this, dataObserver)
, the navigation view of the main activity will likely navigate between one or more fragments.The expected result: When a string is added to data
in app 2, the observer will create the result intent, set it as the result, and finish app 2. App 1 will receive the result and call onActivityResult, and we should display "Success!" plus some data.
What I get: The observer does work. The log statement shows the correct data was received by the observer. App 2 finishes. And app 1's onActivityResult displays the fail case, showing the correct request code, but a response code == Activity.RESULT_CANCELLED. If the requireNotNull(data)
statement is moved outside the if
statement, app 1 will instead show that the intent returned was null.
My questions:
It turns out that you should not call finishAfterTransition()
elsewhere in an app if you plan to use an Observer-based setup like mine to send data through startActivityForResult()
. finishAfterTransition()
causes a conflict with any calls to finish()
, and you'll send a null result and a ResultCode of RESULT_CANCELLED.