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How do I add an onclick event to a Vue element by ref?

I'm using Vue Cesium, and having a bit of trouble getting the desired behavior from the various Vue elements I'm adding to my map. Specifically, I want to get the element's id (created programmatically with v-for) and dispatch an action with it. I can add refs to the element. Is there a way I can programmatically add an onclick action to an element by ref? If there were a more organic way that I can use the Cesium library for this, it would be even better.

Here's the relevant element:

div class="viewer">
            <vc-viewer :terrainExaggeration="100" @ready="ready" :camera="camera">
                <div v-if="billboards.length > 0" v-for="billboard in billboards">
                    <vc-entity :ref="" @click="selectCommunity(" :position="billboard.position" :billboard="billboard" :description="billboard.description" :id=""> </vc-entity>
                <vc-layer-imagery :alpha="alpha" :brightness="brightness" :contrast="contrast">
                    <vc-provider-imagery-bingmaps :url="url" :bmKey="bmKey" :mapStyle="mapStyle">


  • The answer, thanks to Zouyaoji, appears here:

    In short, the vc-viewer element has two events that could be used for this: LEFT_CLICK and selectedEntityChanged.