I was wondering where to find the source code of the doMenuComponentSelection() method. Thank you
I searched for Maya files but couldn't find them. I just want to see the source of this method.
i found the method on github, https://github.com/elrond79/mayaSettings/blob/master/2009-x64/zooScripts/dagMenuProc.mel#L977
global proc doMenuComponentSelection(string $item, string $mask)
// Changes the selection/display state on this object to allow
// selection of the specified selection mask type.
string $selectCmd;
if (`selectMode -q -object`) {
hilite $item;
selectType -ocm -alc false;
$selectCmd = "selectType -ocm -" + $mask + " true;";
} else {
selectType -ocm -alc false;
$selectCmd = "selectType -" + $mask + " true;";
if (!`selectMode -q -preset`) {
$selectCmd = $selectCmd + "hilite " + $item + ";";
eval $selectCmd;