Dear stack over flow community. I am building a react app using create react app where I will show a random joke fetched from an external API.
Here is the code for react component
import React from "react"
function Home(props) {
return (
I want to include a share functionality to share the current joke on social media. I tried react-share package, but the share button used in there only allows to pass a url. Which in my case will be the base url of my app, and could not include the current joke that I am displaying.
import { FacebookShareButton, FacebookIcon } from "react-share"
<FacebookShareButton url="#">
<FacebookIcon logoFillColor="white" />
How could I include a share button that shares the content of react components, values of state or props rather than just url? For example a share button like the above but has additional props that I can pass content in, props.joke.setup, props.joke.punchline Thank you very much
I have found a way myself. Sorry I should have read the documentation of react-share package better. There is optional props that you can pass to the share button. So I did this.
quote={props.joke.setup + props.joke.punchline}
hashtag="#programing joke">
<FacebookIcon logoFillColor="white" />