This is an attempt to use BGTaskScheduler in Xamarin.iOS.
I have tried to run the sample Application from .
Native version (both Swift and Objective C) is working fine.
Platform Details
Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6
Version 11.1
iPhone 8 Plus | OS 13.1.2
VS for Mac 8.3.1
Expected result : Periodic updates from the App in the background
Actual Result : No callback triggered. No traces in the console.
Is it possible to create a bindable library from the native swift/objective C code ?
Hows Xamarin Bindable Library works ?
Is it really calling the native API (like JNI) or Is it mapping the corresponding Xamarin APIs ?
Is it possible to create a bindable library without the source code or native library binary ?
Is it mandatory to wait for a bug fix in the official Xamarin.MaciOS SDK ?
I resolved it by creating a Bindable Library for BGTaskScheduler.I did ,
Yes.Objective C is preferred for the same
Bindable library creates a well defined interface between Xamarin.iOS and the Native APIs.Developer can access the native APIs through this layer.
Yes.It is like JNI.When we call the exported method in the APIDefinitions , its actually calls the Native method.
You need to properly link the required frameworks in the static library.
Not really actually . :)