I was trying to import a palindrome function from a previously made code. Initially the palindrome code was working properly, but after I imported it, it is not showing correct answer.
import re
def check(string):
if (string==string[::-1]):
print ("{} is palindorme".format(string))
print ("{} is not palindorme".format(string))
def palindrome(text):
c=re.sub('["?",",",".","/","@","#","%","&","*","!"," "]',"",text)
This is the function I am using:
from pal_func import palindrome
f=open("C:\\Users\\hp\\Desktop\\test file.txt",'r')
Output should be:
was it a cat i saw?
wasitacatisaw is palindrome
But it is showing:
was it a cat i saw?
is not palindorme
Strip the trailing newline with:
Your problem does not seem to come from the code, but from the way you read your file.
The function readline
reads a line from the file but will not strip the trailing newline. The hint was that the answer
is not palindrom
has a newline you didn't write yourself
So the function check get the string wasitacatisaw<newline>
, which is not a palindrom.
Last word : the next time, please also provide the file you're dealing with (without any personal infos nor passwords, of course), so that SO user can reproduce the error :)