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Equivalent to accessors in Ada

Is there a way to create an equivalent to C# get/set in Ada ?

I have a type like this (in Ada) :

-- Ada :
type MyType is record 
    Value : Integer;
end record;

I want to split the value like this

-- Ada :
type MyType is record 
    ten  : Integer;
    unit : Integer;
end record;

But I want to keep MyType.Value (referenced in many readonly files). I want to create an accessor but I did not find how to do in Ada. I know how to do in C# :

// C# :
int Value
        return this.ten * 10 + this.unit;
        this.unit = value % 10;
        this.ten = value / 10;

What I want to do :

-- ada :
MyType var := MyType'(Value => 15); -- unmodified code
var.Value := 65; -- can be modified like before

Integer ten := var.ten; -- new getter


  • As I said in the comment of my answer to your previous question, There's no language construct that does it for you. Depending on your use-case, you could possibly employ controlled types:

    type MyTypeView (Data : not null access MyType) is limited
      new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
       Value: Integer;
    end record;
    overriding procedure Initialize (Object : in out MyTypeView) is
       Object.Value := Object.Data.ten * 10 + Object.Data.unit;
    end Initialize;
    overriding procedure Finalize (Object : in out MyTypeView) is
       Object.Data.ten := Object.Value / 10;
       Object.Data.unit := Object.Value mod 10;
    end Finalize;

    This would allow you to alter the Value in the way you want with the View:

       --  assuming MyObj is an object of type MyType
       View : MyTypeView (MyObj'Access);
       --  Initialize will be called, setting View.Value
       --  can access value as "property"
       Do_Something (View.Value);
       --  can assign value as "property"
       View.Value := 123;
       --  when View goes out of scope, Finalize will be called, updating MyObj

    Note however that as long as View lives, View.Value is detached from the original object, meaning that at the end;, other modifications of MyObj that happened after View has been created will be discarded. In a single-threaded program, this means that you may not call any subroutines that may instantiate a View of the same object while the current view lives (and may not directly instantiate a second View of this object inside the block).