I have a table given as below:
KEY 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
123 0 0 0 461 1188 2049 1056 377 295
And I want the data to be visible as given below.
123 1 1995 0
123 2 1996 0
123 3 1997 0
123 4 1998 461
123 5 1999 1188
123 6 2000 2049
123 7 2001 1056
123 8 2002 377
123 9 2003 295
I am using Oracle 12c. I tried using Pivot clause but couldn't create the query.
Can someone please help me?
For the fun of it: I am filling the new table from the old one with a PL/SQL loop and dynamic SQL. This is nothing we would regularly do, but why not do it for a one-time task?
for col in
select column_name
from user_tab_cols
where table_name = 'OLDTABLE' and regexp_like(column_name, '^[[:digit:]]{4}$')
) loop
execute immediate
'insert into newtable (key, year, value)
select key, ' || col.column_name || ', "' || col.column_name || '" from oldtable';
end loop;