I'm using simple javascript code to get the user lcoation :
function getLocation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
} else {
x.innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser.";
But because of the boycott of Google APIs
in iran , we can't access geolocation from the chrome browser(Mozilla Browser is ok and the mobile apps has no issues because use the mobile gps) and as far as i know get user location from the ip address is not a good idea because its return the user isp location.
Is there any solution for this? for example can i use proxy before getting the location?
According to the research I did , there is no way to do that you can just use the databases that have latitude and longitude . And get the province , city , district and show the approximate location to user. Its not the best idea but at least is an idea.
I prepared iran-provinces-cities-neighbourhoods-geo database in for mysql and you can use it :).