Now I use keyword
Append Data
${list}= Create List Test1 Test2
${data}= create list ${list}
Append To Csv File ${File_Path} ${list}
but it cannot specific the data's position that I want to update, In my test case I have to update new data everytimes after finished case to use new data in next case. (I kept the test data is in CSV file)
Looks like you are already making use of CSVLibrary in this library you have only the following KWS, what we can notice from here is that, we do not have replace CSV line/file anything, hence, we need to come up with our own procedure.
In my test case I have to update new data everytimes after finished case to use new data in next case.
One of the ways which can be employed to solve your problem, is by converting all of the csv file data into list of dicts.