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If a binding adapter provides the setter, check that the adapter is annotated correctly and that the parameter type matches

I got in trouble to use dataBinding with google codelab.
It happened when I tried using below function.

    fun hideIfZero(view: View, number: Int) {
        view.visibility = if (number == 0) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE

I called it in xml like the following code.

        ... />

The viewModel is like the below.

class SimpleViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private val _likes = MutableLiveData(0)

    var likes: LiveData<Int> = _likes

I already tried to remove all cache Android Studio produced
but it didn't work what I intend.
So I think there is a problem I missed.

I tried thie codelab
and my repository is here

Anyone who let me know the problem?


  • Finally, I solved the issue I reported owing to the following link.

    You should add 'kotlin-kapt' that is annotation processor.
    It was hard to figure out the issue clear.

    I also updated my repository related to this issue in below link.

    I hope it helps someone who is struggling with this someday.
    Good luck!