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how to separate config.php, database.php, constant.php file domain specific in codeigniter v3.1.10?

I'm using codeigniter v3.1.10 and i have two projects with domain name and i know that in codeigniter according to the environment production or development we could add folders application/config/production and application/config/development in config folder with their respective files in them. An example found in SO : -multiple environments with codeigniter, gives us a provision to add development/production folders inside application/config folder.

But what i'm looking for is domain specific folders inside application/config folder. Is there a way that i could put two folders like application/config/ and application/config/ with config.php, database.php and constant.php files in them.


  • as per your requirement, you want multiple subdomain configu. e.g for subdomain want to load abc config folder. for subdomain want to load xyz config folder.

    in your index.php

    $env= 'development';
    list($subdomain,$host) = explode('.', $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
    $allowed_subdomains = ['abc','xyz'];
    $env = in_array($subdomain,$allowed_sbudomains) ? $subdomain : $env;

    in below as a case for your subdomain

    switch (ENVIRONMENT)
         case 'testing':
         case 'production':
         case $subdomain:

    now create a folder as per your subdomain under the config folder and do your required configuration there.