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Q: What should I use to create simple local web app that stores and give out information

I am just a regular employee with a "clerical/paper work job" and I just wanted to automate my work and make it more easily for me to grab the information i would need.

I have learned a little bit of: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, c# and right now im trying to learn Node.js.

So, my question is: What would be the best way, to create a local web app, for someone with a really little knowledge about coding. (I am open with any languages and databases and im willing to learn, i just dont know where to start).


  • I have found the Django framework to be one of the easiest to work with for beginners. It takes care of a lot of stuff for you, especially regarding interacting with a database and creating an admin site.

    The documentation is also really really good and the intro tutorial walks you through everything you need to know:

    Its written in Python, which is a fairly friendly language to learn for beginners.