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How to use PyFPDF data as a PDF without having to export (output) it as a PDF?

I am using PyFPDF to create custom PDF documents automatically when a user registers using my custom-built Django application. The PDFs contain information about that persons registration. For each person that registers, I do not want to save their pdf as a separate pdf - I want to mail their PDF immediately after I have formatted it.

pdf = FPDF()
pdf.image(file_path, 0, 0, 210)
pdf.set_text_color(1, 164, 206)
pdf.set_font("helvetica", size=26)
pdf.cell(0, 0, txt=name, ln=4, align="C")

This is what I have currently to format the PDF, where name is a value retrieved from each individual user's registration.

This is what comes immediately after, and what I want to replace:

val = uuid.uuid4().hex

Right now, I am exporting each PDF with a unique filename, and then sending it to each user's email.

What I would prefer is to use the pdf variable directly when sending each email, as below:

finalEmail = EmailMessage(
finalEmail.attach("Registration.pdf", pdf)

However, Django does not accept this as a valid attachment type, as it is a FPDF variable still.

expected bytes-like object, not FPDF

How would I go about this?


  • In documentation you can see parameter S which gives it as bytes string

    content = pdf.output(val+".pdf", 'S')

    and now you can use content to create attachement in email.