Suppose I dynamically inject new HTML in the DOM.
<div [innerHTML]="htmlCode | sanitizeHtml">
Within Tyescript:
htmlCode : string = '<svg class = "foobar"'>....'
How can I dynamically add a new class (in this case foobar) to the components scss file? Note that the class name can be different each time so I can't hard code it in
You can set the class using [ngClass] like this:
<div [innerHTML]="htmlCode | sanitizeHtml" [ngClass]="dynamicClass">
Then in your ts file:
htmlCode : string = '<svg class = "foobar"'>....'
dynamicClass: string = 'yourClassName';
Finally, if you want to set the styles dynamically, you can use [ngStyle] like this:
<div [innerHTML]="htmlCode | sanitizeHtml" [ngClass]="dynamicClass" [ngStyle]="dynamicStyle">
Then in your ts file:
htmlCode : string = '<svg class = "foobar"'>....'
dynamicClass: string = 'yourClassName';
dynamicStyle: string = {
'color': 'red'
If you want to use a parameter or variable to set a style property you can do this:
setCustomColor(color: string): {
dynamicStyle: string = {
'color': `${color}`