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Local crate in Rust

I am currently learning Rust, and for that purpose I wanted to create my own crate and use it. However, Rust can't find this crate.

I have the following file structure:

│    ├───Cargo.toml
│   └───src
│       └───

In folder minimal I have my main project. It looks like this:


name = "minimal"
version = "0.1.0"
win = { path = "../util/win"}

extern crate win; // ERROR: "Can't find crate for 'win' rustc(E0463)"
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, World!");

My library in folder win looks like this:

File Cargo.toml

name = "win"
version = "0.1.0"


pub type TestType = String;

My first assumption was that I somehow had a mistake in specifying the path in the dependency of the Cargo.toml file. So I tried to wiggle it around a bit, but it does not seem to work.

Rust reports

can't find crate for 'win' rustc(E0463)

I feel like I am making a very basic error here, however, when looking at similar questions (e.g., How do I "use" or import a local Rust file?) I can't seem to find it.


  • After having a good night's sleep and looking at this problem again, I have managed to find the error.
    I used [dependecies] instead of [dependencies] in the Cargo.toml file.

    On the one hand, I feel kind of dumb for this error, but on the other hand I now know that Cargo will not warn about unknown tags in the TOML file.