I'm working on an NFL dataset and want to do the following mapping for every play in the df:
) with the distance of each player to the rusher of that play.DistToRusher
column is currently populated with player ids.dist_dict
that looks like this: dist_dict = {play_id1: {player_id1: distance, player_id2: distance ...},
play_id2: {player_id1: distance, player_id2: distance ...}...}
Here is my code:
def populate_DistToRusher_column(df):
for play_id, players_dict in dist_dict.items():
df[df.PlayId == play_id].replace({'DistToRusher': players_dict}, inplace=True)
return df
This code runs, is slow (20-30s), and doesn't change DistToRusher
column; when I inspect the df, DistToRusher
still contains the player id numbers and not the distances.
Here is a toy version of the actual data:
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'PlayId': {
0: 20170907000118, 1: 20170907000118, 2: 20170907000118,
22: 20170907000139, 23: 20170907000139, 24: 20170907000139},
'NflId': {0: 496723, 1: 2495116, 2: 2495493,
22: 496723, 23: 2495116, 24: 2495493},
'NflIdRusher': {0: 2543773, 1: 2543773, 2: 2543773,
22: 2543773, 23: 2543773, 24: 2543773},
'DistToRusher': {0: 496723, 1: 2495116, 2: 2495493,
22: 496723, 23: 2495116, 24: 2495493}})
dist_dict = {20170907000118: defaultdict(float,
{496723: 6.480871854928166,
2495116: 4.593310353111358,
2495493: 5.44898155621764}),
20170907000139: defaultdict(float,
{496723: 8.583355987025117,
2495116: 5.821151088917024,
2495493: 6.658686056573021})}
I think this is right, IIUC:
temp = pd.DataFrame(dist_dict)
df['DistToRusher2'] = df.apply(lambda x: temp[x.PlayId][x.NflId], axis=1)
df['DistToRusher2'] = df.apply(lambda x: dist_dict[x.PlayId][x.NflId], axis=1)
PlayId NflId NflIdRusher DistToRusher DistToRusher2
0 20170907000118 496723 2543773 496723 6.480872
1 20170907000118 2495116 2543773 2495116 4.593310
2 20170907000118 2495493 2543773 2495493 5.448982
22 20170907000139 496723 2543773 496723 8.583356
23 20170907000139 2495116 2543773 2495116 5.821151
24 20170907000139 2495493 2543773 2495493 6.658686