So I would like it when a user creates a new folder in my sharepoint document library that 4 template documents also get added inside the new folder. I get that the user could just click on the document template for each template individual but I want them added all the time.
There doesn't seem to be an option to add template documents to a document lib folder content type.
Sooo.... Is my only alternative to create a custom sharepoint workflow that checks for the folder creation inside my doc lib. (Ideally maybe restricting it to only when a specific folder of my custom content type is created.. ) This seems like a simple workflow to create but I want to make sure that I even need to create one since I haven't actually created a custom sharepoint workflow yet...
You're right; there's no built-in functionality for this. It should be reasonable simple to write a workflow that runs when something is added to a library, checks to see if it is a folder, and adds the items into the folder. It would probably be easiest to have the template documents in another folder somewhere, and then copy them over.
Good luck!