I have a screen in my wp7 app with only a canvas, used to display a graph.
I handle the page loaded event to draw the graph, by adding lines to the graph children, the lines are stored in a list variable in App.xaml.cs.
edit: here is my draw line function
private void drawLine(Line line, Point start, Point end, Color color)
line.X1 = start.X;
line.Y1 = start.Y;
line.X2 = end.X;
line.Y2 = end.Y;
line.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(color);
I handle the tombstoning by storing/loading the lines in the settings.
I placed a breakpoint in the page loaded method, the lines are restored correctly after tombstoning, and the lines are added to the graph canvas children, yet the canvas displays a black screen.
How do i solve this ?
While it's not clear from your code how you're storing or recreating the data/lines the data you store during tombstoning shoudl be a collection of objects containing the start point, end point and color.
You should be creating new lines each time you are adding a line to your graph/canvas.