I am trying to configure my .tmux.conf to display a scrolling string of text. For what it is worth, the scrolling text is an aviation weather observation that is scraped using a really ugly bash script that is defined in .zshrc as follows:
function scrollMetar {
curl -s "https://www.aviationweather.gov/metar/data?ids=kjyo&format=raw&date=&hours=0" | awk '/Data\ starts\ here/{getline; print}' | html2text | zscroll -l 14 -n 0
I want to take the scrolling output from the scrollMetar
command and have that scroll on the tmux status line.
My current .tmux.conf section looks like this:
set-option -g status-left "\
#[fg=colour7, bg=colour241]#{?client_prefix,#[bg=colour167],} ❐ #S \
#[fg=colour241, bg=colour237] \
#(echo 'TEST TEXT') \
#{?window_zoomed_flag, 🔍,} "
Where the echo 'TEST TEXT'
is should be where the scrollMetar
would go, but when inserted doesn't output anything.
I am guessing that this maybe a limitation of tmux, but I would be grateful for any advice and I am completely open to alternate implementations.
Okay, so it seems like .tmux.conf did not like calling the function, or could not find it. Putting the function in a executable shell script fixed the problem.