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Problem assigning values of a While loop in different variables

i'm coding a function to my phyton3 program that get the weight of 7 people.

I don't know how i assign these 7 values to different variables, like:

a = 0
while(a < 7):
    p = int(input("Seu peso"))
    a = a + 1

And after that, he assign the different "p" values to different variables like, p1, p2, p3 ...

But with my level of "coding", i simply can't do that.

The general purpose of the program is:

  1. Get the different weights
  2. Say which are the weight above 90kg
  3. Do the arithmetic mean of the values.

And these 3 are why i have the need for different variables.


  • To get the weight of 7 people, you can do the following:

    weights = [] #This is a list
    for i in range(7): #This is a for loop
        w = int(input("Seu peso "))

    To say what weights are above 90kg:

    for w in weights:
        if w > 90:
            print(w, "Is greater than 90kg")

    To find the mean:

    mean = sum(weights)/len(weights)
    print("Mean Weight:", mean)