I am trying to learn django. In VS code, I have installed pip and virtualenv.
I created a env folder by using virtualenv command.
$ virtualenv env
To activate virtual environment, I ran the command below.
$ source env/bin/activate
The result I was expecting to see was I see the little brackets in front of directory address as below:
dhkang@dhkang-Lenovo-IdeaPad-S145-15API ~/fastcampus/django
% (env)
However, I do not see any brackets to indicate that the virtual environment is being activated.
dhkang@dhkang-Lenovo-IdeaPad-S145-15API ~/fastcampus/django
% source env/bin/activate
However, I do not see (env) here. I don't know if the virtual environment is activated or not.
Does anyone know how to resolve to show the brackets when virtual environment is activated?
Now, I resolved my issue.
It was one of zsh settings that I could never imagine as I am fairly new to Linux.
What I did was trying out other shell types like bash. I tried bash as default terminal and the bracket indicating it's on virtual environment was showing.
In the end, I have installed oh-my-zsh and changed the theme 'agnoster'. Now, anywhere in terminal or VScode clearly show the brackets. With regards to oh-my-zsh, refer to the link https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh