I'm trying to stub out a function for testing using Jest. Since I'm using TypeScript the compiler is bothering me about making sure that my stub returns all the object fields. I don't need all the object fields, only two of them. To make matters worse, this object it wants me to return is fairly complicated.
import * as sinon from "sinon";
import * as stripeHelpers from "../../src/lib/stripe";
describe("lib/authorization", () => {
let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox;
beforeAll(() => {
sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
afterEach(() => {
describe("getAuthorizationDateRange", () => {
test("returns an authorization date range", async () => {
const getUserSubscriptionStub = sandbox.stub(stripeHelpers, "getUserSubscription").resolves({
current_period_end: 123123,
current_period_start: 123123,
object: "subscription",
application_fee_percent: undefined,
billing: "charge_automatically",
collection_method: "charge_automatically",
billing_cycle_anchor: 0,
billing_thresholds: undefined,
cancel_at: undefined,
cancel_at_period_end: true,
canceled_at: undefined,
created: 0,
customer: "test",
days_until_due: undefined,
default_payment_method: "test",
default_source: "test",
default_tax_rates: [],
discount: undefined,
ended_at: undefined,
latest_invoice: "test",
livemode: true,
metadata: {},
start: 0,
start_date: 0,
status: "active",
tax_percent: undefined,
trial_end: undefined,
trial_start: undefined,
import * as sinon from "sinon";
import * as stripeHelpers from "../../src/lib/stripe";
describe("lib/authorization", () => {
let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox;
beforeAll(() => {
sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
afterEach(() => {
describe("getAuthorizationDateRange", () => {
test("returns an authorization date range", async () => {
const getUserSubscriptionStub = sandbox.stub(stripeHelpers, "getUserSubscription").resolves({
current_period_end: 123123,
current_period_start: 123123,
export async function getAuthorizationDateRange(user: User): Promise<DateRange> {
const subscription: Stripe.subscriptions.ISubscription = await stripeHelpers.getUserSubscription(user);
return {
start: moment.unix(subscription.current_period_start).toDate(),
end: moment.unix(subscription.current_period_end).toDate()
The function only uses the first two properties so it feels like a waste of effort to try and re-create the entire object. The Stripe.subscriptions.ISubscription
interface has a lot of nesting and complication in it that I'd really like to avoid in my tests.
It turns out that you just need to cast the object as an explicit any
const getUserSubscriptionStub = sandbox.stub(stripeHelpers, "getUserSubscription").resolves({
current_period_end: 123123,
current_period_start: 123123,
} as any);