I have a Web API in ASP.NET/C#.
It uses an external 32-bit ActiveX SDK to communicate with a third-party application.
From my test, that SDK has problems when we connect two differents users at the same time. The second connection overwrites the first one.
If I call my API in two cURL loops, one connecting with userA and the other with userB, in some case, the call on userA will have the results of userB.
I don't have any static variables in my code, none that refer to the SDK for sure.
The only solution I can think of would be to "lock" the API while it is getting the response for the user. Is there any other solution ? If not, any pointer on how to do this in C# ?
The API has multiple controllers (think customer/invoice/payment/vendor), all of which are using the same SDK. Thus, a call to a method of CustomerController must lock calls to the other controllers too.
The lock only needs to be active while I using the SDK (which is probably 99% of the request time).
Edit 1:
The SDK is named "Interop.AcoSDK.dll", it is 32-bit. Visual Studio describe the file as "AcoSDK Library". It is an SDK for Acomba, an accounting program. The program itself has a very old structure, the origins dating back to the 80' in DOS (The program was named Fortune1000 back in those days). The interaction with the SDK is really not modern.
I've added the DLL to my project, and to use it, I call two parts.
AcoSDKX AcoSDK = new AcoSDKX();
int version = AcoSDK.VaVersionSDK;
if (AcoSDK.Start(version) != 0)
throw new Exception("Failed to start SDK");
cie = new AcombaX();
if (cie.CompanyExists(config.ciePath) == 0)
throw new Exception("Company not found");
int error = cie.OpenCompany(config.appPath, config.ciePath);
if (error != 0)
throw new Exception("Failed to open company: " + cie.GetErrorMessage(error));
AcoSDK.User User = new AcoSDK.User
PKey_UsNumber = config.user
error = User.FindKey(1, false);
throw new Exception("Failed to find user");
if (error != 0)
throw new Exception("Failed to find user");
error = cie.LogCurrentUser(User.Key_UsCardPos, config.pass);
if (error != 0)
throw new Exception("Failed to login in Acomba: " + cie.GetErrorMessage(error));
The cie
attribute above is a private AcombaX cie
in the class.
That class is called from my other class to handle the connection to the SDK.
My other class declare it as a standard object (non-static).
The config
above refers to an object with attributes for the company/user the API request is for. Calls for multiple companies can be made.
In the moment, my problem is that calling for different companies, data ends-up being mixed up. So values from Company-B will show in my query of Company-A, for example, when I loop 100 calls to the API in cURL to both companies at the same time. It doesn't do it each time, just some time, for some queries. Probably when a call open the SDK for company-B while the call for company-A has already connected to the SDK but haven't started requesting data.
I've posted a comment asking for clarification; I'm hoping that you're at a development stage where you can redesign this feature.
ASP.NET is, generally, really poor with non-trivial synchronous processes. It's easy to exhaust the thread pool, and concurrency issues like what you describe are not uncommon when moving from "desktop" or RPC architecture.
I would strongly suggest changing your WebAPI / ASP.NET architecture for these kinds of operations to a queue/task based approach. The client submits a task and then polls/subscribes for a completion result. This will allow you to design the backend to operate in any manner necessary to prevent data corruption problems due to shared libraries. Perhaps one long-lived backend process per Company which processes requests - I don't know enough about your needs to make intelligent suggestions, but you have a lot of options here.