The following exception is being thrown: error: value bark is not a member of type parameter T k9.bark
The code is :
class Dog {
def bark: Unit = {
println("bhow bhow!")
class Puppy extends Dog {
override def bark: Unit = {
println("woof woof!")
class Animal[+T](val k9: T) {
def voice: Unit = {
object InheritanceTest{
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val puppy = new Puppy
val dog = new Dog
val k91 = new Animal[Dog](dog)
val k92 = new Animal[Puppy](puppy)
Could Scala experts provide a solution or explain what is wrong in the code? Thanks for the help in advance.
You need to constrain type parameter T
with upper type bound Dog
like so
T <: Dog
otherwise the compiler thinks T
represents all types, and not all types have bark
on them. Thus try
class Animal[+T <: Dog](val k9: T) {
def voice: Unit = {