Customer asked to Split 1 row from the Oracle DB SQL into 6 rows.
Let's say, originally the SQL (complex sql with multiple joins , etc) is pulling in 9 columns:
select A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I from X, Y, Z . . . (but quite complex query)
1) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I.
Now, customer is asking for every row returning above pattern, the new output should be like below :
1) A, B, C, 'D', D
2) A, B, C, 'E', E
3) A, B, C, 'F', F
4) A, B, C, 'G', G
5) A, B, C, 'H', H
6) A, B, C, 'I', I
Basically, the 1st 3 columns will be repeated in all the 6 NEW ROWS.
The procedure repeats for every row in the original query.
Is this possible ? If yes, how ?
You just need unpivot
clause to show the data vertically :
with t(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) as
select 1,2,3,'D','E',2,3,'X','Y' from dual
select a,b,c,val from
select a,b,c,to_char(d) as d, to_char(e) as e, to_char(f) as f, to_char(g) as g,
to_char(h) as h, to_char(i) as i
from t
( val for col in (d,e,f,g,h,i) )
order by col
to_char() conversions are implemented against getting ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression error.