Search code examples

Querying all points within geography coordinates

Bing Maps is giving me bounding coordinates as opposite points on a box that looks like this:


In my SQL Query, I using that data to draw the box as a polygon in the clockwise direction, but not getting any data. If I draw it counter-clockwise, I appear to get everything outside of the box.

SET @g = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((
34.763402330018245 -76.65003395080568,
34.692861148846255 -76.65003395080568,
34.692861148846255 -76.86890220642091,
34.763402330018245 -76.86890220642091,
34.763402330018245 -76.65003395080568))', 4326);

In my Where, I have @g.STContains(geography::Point(p.Latitude, p.Longitude,4326 )) = 1

Can someone tell my what I am doing wrong?


  • I found the problem!

    Because I am working with maps, I used the geography variable. Apparently, that is the wrong way to do it. You have to use the geometry variable instead.

    My solution now looks like:

    SET @g = geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((
    34.763402330018245 -76.65003395080568,
    34.692861148846255 -76.65003395080568,
    34.692861148846255 -76.86890220642091,
    34.763402330018245 -76.86890220642091,
    34.763402330018245 -76.65003395080568))', 4326);

    And in the Where.....

     @g.STContains(geometry::Point(p.Latitude, p.Longitude,4326 )) = 1