I want to use fasttext pre-trained models to compute similarity a sentence between a set of sentences. can anyone help me? what is the best approach?
I computed the similarity between sentences by train a tfidf model. write code like this. is it possible to change it and use fasttext pre-trained models? for example use vectors to train a tfidf model?
def generate_tfidf_model(sentences):
print("generating TfIdf model")
texts = [[sentence for sentence in doc.split()] for doc in sentences]
dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(texts)
feature_cnt = len(dictionary.token2id)
mycorpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc, allow_update=True) for doc in texts]
tfidf_model = gensim.models.TfidfModel(mycorpus)
index = gensim.similarities.SparseMatrixSimilarity(tfidf_model[mycorpus]
, num_features = feature_cnt)
return tfidf_model, index, dictionary
def query_search(query, tfidf_model, index, dictionary):
query = normal_stemmer_sentence(query)
query_vector = dictionary.doc2bow(query.split())
similarity = index[tfidf_model[query_vector]]
return similarity
I think that computing TfIdf could not be necessary, if you can use word embeddings.
A simple but effective method consists in:
Compute two vectors which represent your two strings, using pretrained word embeddings for your language (eg FastText - get_sentence_vector https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/python-module.html#model-object)
Compute cosine similarity between two vectors (1: equal strings; 0: really different strings; read https://masongallo.github.io/machine/learning,/python/2016/07/29/cosine-similarity.html).