Is there a way to display the numeric values inside a flextable in millions?
I do not want to divide the numbers in the dataset to 1000000 before creating the flextable.
For example, I want to display the number 1983445678 as 1,983 or 1,983.4 or 1,983.4€
If not, is it possible to implement a new function, maybe similar to set_formatter or colformat_num that allows you to format multiple columns using a user defined function?
Since some columns in my dataset are generated dynamically at runtime (e.g. after using the spread function), I cannot use the function set_formatter to format the new column because I don't know the name of the column yet, when I write the code. Of course, I can detect this name at runtime, so it will be useful to have a function that formats these new columns using a user defined function and accepting in input, the names of the columns to be formatted as strings.
It should be something like:
my_data %>%
regulartable %>%
col_format_by_udf(j = c("Europe", "Asia", "Australia"), million_format)
...or something like:
my_data %>%
regulartable %>%
All numeric columns are formatted in millions
Thank you!
You can have a try with this code:
dummy_fun <- function(x){
sprintf("%0.02f", x*1000+pi)
funs <- setNames(rep(list(fun), 4), names(iris)[-5])
flextable(head(iris)) %>%
set_formatter(values = funs)